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spanish classes

Living in Spain and haven't gotten the hang of the language yet?

Maybe you've conquered the basics but want to improve? 

We at Over the Moon are here to help with fun, cheap, interactive spanish classes to get you to the next level. All classes will take place Via Zoom (A free app).

To book your place simply pay 5€ for the first class via Bizum 618 748 508, or by bank transfer
BBVA (IBAN) ES02 0182 4276 1702 0167 2681.


After this simply take a screenshot of the payment and send me a message at +34 605 486 485.  Download zoom and I will reply with a code to enter your first class.

Times are mornings between 9am and 2pm (depending on level and availability) evening classes may also be an option. Classes are 2 hours per week plus a Review of the week classes on Fridays (1 hour) with speaking practice and vocabulary review.

We are excited to welcome you and help you fall in love with the Spanish Language!





I am able to introduce myself and I can ask and give personal information (nationality, profession, telephone number, address, etc) I can describe my family and its members (their physical appearance and their character) I can also describe my town. I can buy something in a shop. In grammar, I can conjugate regular verbs in Present Tense, use the verbs “ser” and “estar” in different contexts, differentiate between “tú” y “usted”, identify the gender of nouns and adjectives, know the numbers from 0 to 1000 and understand question words (cómo, dónde, cuándo, etc).


Mon/Wed OR Tue/Thur AND Friday 10-11 AM



I can describe my house and my neighbourhood (location, characteristics and things they have) I can express my likes and dislikes. I can ask and answer about the weather, the time and seasons. I am able to talk about my daily routine. In grammar, I can conjugate all the Present Tense (regular, irregular, reflexive and stem-changing verbs), I know the conjugation of verb “gustar” and similar verbs, I understand quantifiers (muchos, pocos, bastantes, algunos, ningunos), and I can express frequency (siempre, nunca, a veces, etc).

Mon/Wed OR Tue/Thur AND Friday 1130-1230



I can tell stories and anecdotes using the four past tenses (Indefinido, Pretérito Perfecto, Imperfecto and Pluscuamperfecto). I can formulate hypothesis about the future and express probability. I know some Hispanic culture to help communication such as gestures and social customs. In grammar, I am confident when using all the past tenses. I know Future Simple and I can use Subjunctive to express probability in future. I know the difference between Indicative and Subjunctive to express certainty or doubt.

Mon/Wed OR Tue/Thur AND Friday 1-2 PM

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